So there they are. One is more tightly knit than the other, but OMG are they comfortable! (See previous post for link to pattern.) I used Plymouth: Encore: Worsted: Dark or Forest Green. Socks are so much easier than what I thought. Now I will try a more complicated pattern soon!

Hmm, so are you all registered to vote?! Watching the debates? Tonight is Pres Debate #3 - can't wait to see what Obama and McCain say. Ooh, and it's one of the final (or The final) episodes of Project Runway. Yay.
On another note, for my French Literature class, I have to choose a short novel by a french author. I went to the library today and picked out:
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire
Dreams of my Russian Summers by Andrei Makine
Which one should I read? (I think I may just read Twenty Thousand Leagues for fun.)
Then today I am going to read the short story of The Passer Through Walls by Marcel Ayme. Sounds great to read - yay, reading.
Anyway, maybe I should get to that and some other homework before my *busy* night ahead of me.
Good day.