Le Hibou dit bonjour! Hou hou hou
I am so excited to have finished a crochet project! Oh, besides the Boob Hat - I need to put that up. Anyway, isn't Owlie adorable?! I can't wait to finish a whole family. For more about this project, see me on Ravelry.
Other fiber news: The boyfriend bought us yarn over Spring Break. And yesterday he asked me to start a circle crochet for him in one of the yarns . . . OH MY GOD is that yarn the BEST to work with! It's di.ve Autunno from Vergnasco, Italy. It is just gorgeous! It's 100% fine merino, and AH! I must get more. He also got a couple little rolls of a nice novelty-looking yarn. It's really soft and furry and definitely will be used. THANK YOU!!!
Well, I've been catching up on knitting podcasts for the last month or so. I listen to Cast On and Stash and Burn. I just listened to the newest Stash and Burn episode, learned there was a new Knitty out, and I just love working on a project or browsing Ravelry (or working) and just listen to what other knitters are up to.
Tonight and tomorrow the boyfriend and the roommate and I are going to dye eggs, paint eggs, have and Easter egg hunt, and celebrate the candy and hard-boiled goodness of Zombie Jesus Day.
I will be sure to post the Boob Hat very soon. I leave you with Owlie hanging out with Batman, Edgar Allen Poe, Captain Jack Harkness, and Jamie on the window sill.